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Hans Söllner - A Dog wia jeda andere Лирицс транслатион то енглисх


A day like any other

A japanese fleet
Out on the ocean
Drives one hundredthousand
They drive them to the beach
And we can hear the screams from where we are
How they slit their stomachs
And chop off their heads
They wade knee-high in blood
The water boils and steams
The entire ocean rears up
In a struggle to the death
They've shot Luther
Reagan is doing well
Bush is tinkering with bombs
And the world is watching as he does
But for him it was a day like any other
Yeah, he got up at 7 in the morning
He bathed himself and brushed his hair
And brushed his teeth
And after that he strolled to the office
They'd turned them on their backs
The sun slowly drying them
They're twitching and floundering
And rip their eyes wide open
With an axe they cut
Open their shells
While they were still alive
And they're laughing all the while
Intestines on the street
Little children that play
And the tourist, that desperately wants to buy cigarettes
Hey, they shot Ghandi
And Hussain is doing well
Kohl is still lying
And the world is listening to him
But for him it was a day like any other
Yeah, he got up at 7 in the morning
He bathed himself and brushed his hair
And brushed his teeth
And after that he strolled to the office
Chainsaws are whirring
Wood is splintering and cracking
One every twenty seconds
And that day and night
A region as big as Bavaria
In 24 hours
Yesterday is was a forest
Today it's a desert and sand
It took 600 years
To grow to that size
In a few hours it was no more than a box,
Two chairs and a table
Hey, they shot Kennedy
The pope is doing well
Weizsäcker is poisoning us
And the world is watching as he does it
But for him it was a day like any other
Yeah, he got up at 7 in the morning
He bathed himself and brushed his hair
And brushed his teeth
And after that he strolled to the office
He returns from work at eight
Tired and dirty
His boss fucked him over
He reaches for the first beer
He's looking for the kids and finds
Them in their bedrooms, dead
Their throats slit,
The entire room was red
His wife was hanging in the storage room
His daughter alongside her
He stands in front of it, in a state of shock
And he can't even scream
A little sign around the neck
She'd written a few lines
She was so scared of the future
And she couldn't live any longer
But for me it was a day like any other
I got up at 7 in the morning
I bathed myself and brushed my hair
And brushed my teeth
And after that I strolled to the office
Yeah for us it was a day like any other
We got up at 7 in the morning
We bathed ourselves and brushed our hair
And brushed our teeth
And after that we strolled to the office

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Vrela žvaka

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Držim mekane plamenove na svom jeziku
I žvaćem ih kao gumu za žvakanje
Prže mi nepce
Ali neću ih ispljunuti sad
Pakao je u tvojim ustima
Mogu da vidim po tvom osmehu, kao da peče
Spojio si usne kao da ljubiš samog sebe
Da bi me sprečio da naučim

On je čuvar, on je vernik
On je na zemlji, na kolenima u pozorištu
I stavio nas je u kola, ne znam gde smo
Ali on se zaljubio u groznicu
'Nikad je ne bih mogao ostaviti, nikad je ne bih mogao sačuvati'
To kaže propovedniku u komšiluku
I stavio na je u kola, ne znam gde smo
Ali ja sam se zaljubila u groznicu i ja

Gledam nas kako gorimo i padamo, vrućina je previsoka
Potencijal nas pritiska uz zid
I tračci plamena se pletu kroz moje zube
Ako vrela žvaka ispadne, gde bismo bili mi?


Tvoji zubi hoće da tužakaju i priznaju meni
Tvoji kutnjaci se žale, čujem ih kako plaču
Sisaš vatru dok lažeš i kažeš da ne osetiš ništa
Tvoja ruka posmatra moju kao soko
Moja ruka dobro zna da je neko uhodi
Pobeže mi osmeh dok žvaćem plamen
Jer nikad nisam bila jedna od tih koja upropasti igru

On je čuvar, on je vernik
On je na zemlji, na kolenima u pozorištu
I stavio nas je u kola, ne znam gde smo
Ali on se zaljubio u groznicu
'Nikad je ne bih mogao ostaviti, nikad je ne bih mogao sačuvati'
To kaže propovedniku u komšiluku
I stavio na je u kola, ne znam gde smo
Ali ja sam se zaljubila u groznicu i ja

Gledam nas kako gorimo i padamo, vrućina je previsoka
Potencijal nas pritiska uz zid
I tračci plamena se pletu kroz moje zube
Ako vrela žvaka ispadne, gde bismo bili mi?


Zubi ti gore, da li primećuješ? Ne
Usta su ti zapaljena, primećuješ? Ne
Tvoja kosa gori, moja kosa gori
Tvoja koža gori, moja koža gori
Da li osećaš nešto? Ne
Da li osećaš nešto? Ne
Ako ti kažem šta mislim, obećaj da nećeš reći sebi
Ako mi kažeš šta misliš, kunem se da neću reći sebi
On je na zemlji, on je na kolenima, on je vernik
On je na zemlji, on nije slušao propovednika

Roll the dice

If you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.

if you’re going to try, go all the
this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.

go all the way.
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
it could mean freezing on a
park bench.
it could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of your
endurance, of
how much you really want to
do it.
and you’ll do it
despite rejection and the worst odds
and it will be better than
anything else
you can imagine.

if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the gods
and the nights will flame with

do it, do it, do it.
do it.

all the way
all the way.

you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter, it’s
the only good fight
there is.

Godišnja doba sunčana

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Uzdravlje pajtaši moji odani
Znamo se još od kad smo devet il' deset godina bili
Džumle se po drvetima i brdima verali
O ljubavi i azbuci bili učeni
Srca svoja i kolena smo odrali

Zbogom prijatelji zajebano je da se umire
Dok na nebu pevadu sad 'tice sve
I kad proleće u vazduhu je
Lepih frajlica svud okolo je
Ja biću tuna kad na mene pomislite

Uživali smo, imali smo furtom zabave
I imali frtalje godine sunčane
Al' brda što su nekad forsirana
Bila su samo doba van vremena

Servus babo, za mene se pomoli, kumim te
Bio sam crna ovca porodice
Prob'o si da me naučiš šta valja a šta ne
Uz mlogo vina, mlogo tambure
Kako sam se s otim izborio pitam se

Ostaj zdravo babo nije lako da se mre
Kad na nebu pevadu 'tice sve
I kad proleće u vazduhu je
Svud naokolo dečurlija
Kad ih budeš vid'o , tamo ću biti i ja

Uživali smo, imali smo furtom zabave
I sezone sunčane
Al' vino i tambure
Poput leta prođoše

Uživali smo, imali smo furtom zabave
I sezone sunčane
Al' vino i tambure
Poput leta prođoše

Ostaj zbogom Juco moja mala
Sunce da pronađem si mi pomogla i ljubav si mi dala
I svaki put kad bi me tuga neka ubila
Ti bi uvek tu uz mene bila
I na noge bi me vratila

Zbogom Juco teško je manuti kašiku
Kad ptice sve od reda na nebu pevadu
Baš kad je proleće
I svud okolo cveta cveće
I ti i ja da smo tamo, al' nisam te sreće

Uživali smo, imali smo furtom zabave
I sezone sunčane
Al' zvezde što su nam bile na dohvatu
One morske na plaži bile su

Uživali smo, imali smo furtom zabave
I sezone sunčane
Al' zvezde što su nam bile na dohvatu
One morske na plaži bile su

Uživali smo, imali smo furtom zabave
I sezone sunčane
Al' vino i tambure
Poput leta prođoše

Celoga života smo se zabavljali
Sunčana doba smo imali
Al' bregovi na koje smo se peli bili su samo razdoblja
Vam vremena

Као на слици

Click to see the original lyrics (Hebrew)

Он се враћа из ноћи у које је бежао
Јутро, јутро, блиста му у очима
Које он не жели да окрене светлу
А тамо, његова душа дрхти у ноћима,
У ноћима...

А она је послушна, сређује му ствари,
Као слушкиња на заповест господара,
Она шири своја крила за лет и за пад

Да покида све на ситне делове
Да поцепа све на комаде
Са светлошћу, она се враћа и седи на улазним вратима
Као да преко ње управо није прешла олуја

Њено лице је као на слици
А она поново враћа осмех на лице
Да дочека госте
Који ће доћи

А она је послушна, сређује му ствари,
Као слушкиња на заповест господара,
Она шири своја крила за лет и за пад

Да покида све на ситне делове
Да поцепа све на комаде
Са светлошћу, она се враћа и седи на улазним вратима
Као да преко ње управо није прешла олуја

Да покида све на ситне делове
Да поцепа све на комаде
Са светлошћу, она се враћа и седи на улазним вратима
Као да преко ње управо није прешла олуја